Icons+Indicators / System-Icons / data / #333333 Created with Sketch. camera case-study-mid cases chart-line-mid chat-mid chevron-down chevron-left chevron-right chevron-up close-small close collections € € comment-mid community-or-foundation-mid community completed-mid connected-devices-mid contract converged-proposition-mid Data Created with Sketch. calendar Icons+Indicators / System-Icons / landline_or_call / #333333 Created with Sketch. add-ons-boosts-mid icon-app-store basket-change bill-or-report-mid bill-pay-phones-icon 4C91DB73-75FE-4565-8F69-BC6C675B1EA1 bin block bonus broadband-dark broadband-icon broadband-light broadband-or-wifi-mid broadband bundles-mid business Calendar Created with Sketch.